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SEO Should be called CEO (Customer Experience Optimization)

CEO | Posted on November 30, 2016 by Dennis Lewis

Traditional SEO; from keyword stuffing to the old bait and switch technique; have become the bane of some companies existence. Even though those black hat techniques may have brought in tons of traffic in the past they actually only served to hurt the companies brand and contribute to a higher bounce rate now. Google has changed the game, and now demands website owners focus on the end user and build meaningful websites.

What does this actually mean? Google wants websites to provide a meaningful experience with quality content. The days of building websites to fit the needs of the search engines are dead. Gone. Those companies that claim they can make you #1 on Google tomorrow are wasting your time. A website focused on the end user will not only convert leads into clients, it will also organically increase your Google ranking.

Want to really rank high on Google, the right way? Follow these 5 quality guides.

  1. Quality Content – you MUST create quality content. Educate, teach and share the newest and most interesting content affiliated with your companies market. Quality content will engage users longer, and the longer users stay on your site, the lower your bounce rate and higher your SEO and CEO. This includes Blogs, whitepapers, webinars, infographics, social media etc.
  2. Quality Website – Your customers should be able to understand what your company does by looking at the home page. Keep it simple, organized and user friendly. One of the simplest things you can do is optimize how the Google spiders find your site. Make sure your page titles accurately describe the content, the URL reflects the title and use a proper amount of long tailed keywords in your content.
  3. Quality Experience – Build a cohesive website with a streamlined experience. Help your leads flow from one section of your site to the other, allowing them to learn about your company and make it easy for them to purchase from your company.
  4. Quality Buyer – Build your website around your companies specific buyer persona, or ideal buyer. Having an understanding of who your ideal buyer is helps you create content and a website your buyer will want to interact with. Driving quality leads means higher conversion rates.
  5. Quality Social Media Shares – If you are not tweeting, posting or sharing your content, then my friends, you are missing a huge opportunity. Social media is often scoffed at, but if you knew that 67% of consumers prefer to buy from companies who engage in social media and will spend 40% more money with them compared to companies without a social media presence you might be singing a different tune. Social networking creates a deeper emotional commitment, thus creating a higher customer lifetime value (CLV).

Your website is meant for one thing; driving leads. You do that through quality content, ease of navigation, and interaction with customers. The game is always changing; don’t get stuck using old SEO techniques (56k modem) when there are free, modern and proven techniques (WiFi).

Want to take your company’s SEO to the next level? Click here to receive our free 30-minute marketing assessment and get some real advice from Mad Icarus Media.

Get Your Free Consultation!

November 30, 2016

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