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5.5 Steps To Help Build Your Optimal Lead Nurturing Workflow

Sales | Posted on September 30, 2016 by Dennis Lewis

Did you know that 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales? So for almost 8 out of every 10 clients that designate themselves as potential buyers, only 2 of them actually buy. As a company, this is money slipping through your fingers, but there is good news; you can change that.

What if I told you that companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost per lead and those leads produce 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. The question is no longer “why”, but “how”. The process by which a company takes a potential buyer or lead from the beginning stages of their purchasing decision all the way to the end of their journey to when they become a sale is known as the “sales funnel”.

Step 1

You need to determine who your target market is or if you have several target markets, for the purpose of this exercise, focus on one specific target market.

Step 2

Set a goal for your campaign, such as “get lead to sign up for your newsletter” or “get lead to request a demo of your product”. This will enable you to drill down to the specific persona of your target market, thus speaking to them in a personalized manner.

Step 3

Create a form that will trigger the lead nurturing work-flow. An example would be if someone signs up for your demo on how to use your newest software, their work-flow process should be tailored to receiving more information on this software, do NOT send them emails on other offers. The lead has specifically requested information on a certain subject. Treat that permission delicately and with respect and rest assured you will be rewarded with conversions.

Step 4

Create emails using the best practices to ensure the lead stays in the funnel and doesn’t become bored or agitated with content or frequency. Sending too many emails, or too few can be detrimental to your campaign. Determine your sales cycle and adjust accordingly.

Step 5

Build your work-flow. By using the emails you have created, determine which emails would be best towards the beginning of the lead nurturing campaign and which ones are best for closing the deal. Start with educational content, and build your company as the authority on the issue. Soon the lead will realize your company can be trusted and are now interested in what you have to say and will be more susceptible to future messaging.

Step 5.5

– Analyze your data. Some emails will have higher CTRs (Click Through Rates) and others will bomb horribly. There is no silver bullet, it is a constant restructuring process. What works for some target markets won’t necessarily work for others. Be open to change, and listen to your data. Numbers never lie.

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September 30, 2016

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